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Adult Profession Of Faith

Confirmation is the sacramental rite wherein Christians from all backgrounds reaffirm their baptismal promises in the presence of the Bishop — and acknowledge membership in the wider body of the Church.

Particularly for those baptized as infants, confirmation signifies a personal “adult profession of faith.”

For those baptized as adults in other denominations, or even baptized in our own Communion by an Anglican priest, receiving a blessing and the laying on of hands from our bishop remains a powerful sign and a spiritual milestone.

For some who previously received confirmation in other churches, an alternative exists.  They may, instead, be “received” by the bishop within the same service using a slightly different prayer.

The church also recognizes that many Christians became confirmed by a bishop (often as a young teen).  They seek to return to the church after an extended absence of years or decades. In such cases, it is appropriate and fitting to “reaffirm” one’s vows. This will occur at the same first-time Confirmation Ceremony with the bishop.   (Some happily choose to do so at every bishop visit!).

Preparation for Confirmation

Preparation for Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation helps candidates discover a deeper meaning of a Christian commitment in their lives, whether as a teen or younger or senior adult!

This preparation may draw upon the baptismal covenant (BCP, pp. 416-417) and An Outline of the Faith (BCP, pp. 845+).

Preparation for confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation varies depending on each candidate’s age and background.  The Church of the Apostles typically integrates special classes, youth group, adult education, sermon time, and private conversations to reach all those who seek to renew their faith as we prepare for every bishop’s visit.

The next opportunity for confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation will be in October 2020.

Finally, please contact the church office or Fr. Tim to discuss your personal circumstances or to receive more information!