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Membership At Church of The Apostles

How To Join Our Parish

Front of church of ApostlesIf you wish to join the Church of the Apostles in Coppell, Texas, we will gladly accept your decision to become part of our Christian community.  More importantly, we will celebrate your desire to follow Jesus a Lord and Savior.

First, our Lord Jesus Christ commands his followers to join a church. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus tells his disciples, “I will build My church.” He pictures the church as the new covenant temple, and those who confess that Jesus is Lord are the building blocks in it (Matt. 16:16; 1 Pet. 2:5; Eph. 2:19-20).

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus confirms his wish for his followers to make disciples, baptizing and teaching them. Fulfilling this Great Commission entails bringing converts into church membership. Why do we say that? Because part of the Great Commission is a command to baptize.   Acts 2:41 tells how the apostolic church implemented this principle: “Those who gladly received his word were baptized, so on that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” Added to what? Acts 2:47 gives the answer: “added to the church.” This was the visible church; The apostles kept track of those baptized and even counted them.

Christ commands Baptism. Thus, he wants us to be part of a church.  He also wants our relationship with Him to be honest and observable
(Matt. 10:32).

To Become a Member of Church of The Apostles

As a member of Apostles, we ask three things:

Regular attendance at worship. Make weekly worship part of your spiritual calendar.

Participation in at least one of our many ministries inside and outside the walls of our church. We are happy to help you find a ministry that fits your passion, skill set and schedule.

Financial support of our work in the form of an annual financial gift. It takes the financial commitment of all our members for the parish to grow into what God is calling us to become.

Make Apostles My Church

Please complete the form below to start your journey and join Church of the Apostles as a member.  Our priest or a senior staff representative of the church will contact you soon.

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