The St. Francis of Assisi blessing of the animals is a joyous occasion at the Church of the Apostles. We hold this celebration each year and everyone is invited. In 2022, Father Tim blessed beautiful dogs cats, and a fish,
This custom remembers Saint Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures and has instituted the yearly Blessing to remember him. St. Francis (1182-1226) was a monk who founded the contemporary order of Franciscans. Among many attributes, St Francis maintained a special connection to animals along with his vow of poverty.
Francis of Assisi was born in 1182, the son of a prosperous merchant. He decided to embrace a life devoted to Poverty, despite his father’s intense opposition. Francis totally renounced all material values and devoted himself to serving the poor.
He grew up in a wealthy family and lived a carefree life as a young man, but he underwent a profound spiritual transformation after experiencing a vision of Jesus Christ while praying in a dilapidated church. From that point on, he devoted himself to a life of poverty and service to the poor.
In 1209, Francis founded the Franciscan order with a group of followers, and they lived a simple life, begging for their food and serving the poor. Francis also preached a message of peace and reconciliation, and he was known for his love of nature and animals.
Francis of Assisi is widely regarded as a saint by the Catholic Church, and he is venerated as the patron saint of animals and the environment. He died in 1226, and his legacy continues to inspire people around the world to live a life of simplicity, humility, and service.
Finally, we look forward to everyone in the Dallas & Coppell, Texas community once again joining us in October 2025, where we will celebrate The St. Francis of Assisi prayer for animals with the blessing of each animal.
The 2024 Blessing of the Animals was another terrific event. The cameraman was out of town, but we are trying to get some pictures from the attendees.
The 2023 Blessing of the Animals was another terrific event. The following pictures depict some of the animals that were blessed by Father Tim at the Church of the Apostles in Coppell, Texas.
Getting Ready For 2023!
Bring your:
Guinea pig

The below pictures are from the 2022 Blessing of the Animals. It was a huge success and the pictures depict some of the animals that were blessed by Father Tim at the Church of the Apostles in Coppell, Texas.