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Church of The Apostles Staff

Here For You

The Rev. Tim Cherry, Rector

Father Tim, The Rector, is in charge of the StaffFather Tim has served growing parishes in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Texas. A graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and the U.S. Naval Academy, Father Tim has been ordained since 1997. Father Tim has been at Apostles since 2009.  

EMAIL: fathertim@churchoftheapostles.net

Kat Puckett, Senior Warden

Senior Warden is the chief lay leader. 

EMAIL: seniorwarden@churchoftheapostles.net

Office Manager

Office is usually open 10am to 3pm weekdays (except closed Wednesdays). We will answer any questions — so, best to send us an email.  Meetings with Father Tim can be scheduled as well!

EMAIL: office@churchoftheapostles.net

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