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The Parish Hall At Apostles

For The Church And The Community

Since its dedication in 2018, Church of The Apostles Parish Hall has hosted both church and community events.

Numerous wedding and funeral receptions have taken place here. In addition, community organizations such as the Coppell Women’s Club and the Boy Scouts call the Parish Hall home.

In 2019, the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas held its annual meeting with us in the Parish Hall as we welcomed church representatives from across the DFW Metroplex.

When you book your event with us, you will have access to a first-class kitchen suitable for both on-site and catered meal preparation.

The Parish Hall also features audio and video capabilities, too.

For more information or to book the Parish Hall, please contact De Dee Riddle at (972) 489-8837‬ or email dhriddle58@gmail.com.

the Church of the Apostles Parish Hall


The Dedication

On Sunday, October 21, 2018, our new Parish Hall was blessed and dedicated by The Right Reverend Dr. George Sumner, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.

The bishop’s sermon emphasized “how buildings speak” to our identity in Jesus Christ and our mission to follow Him.

A celebration followed the church services, with lunch shared among church members, Scout Troop 840, representatives of architects 5G Studio, and contractor Scott & Reid.